We think we know enough about dreams to understand what is at stake. We suppose that to embrace Divinity is to awaken to whom we really are.
Our fears say "do so and we will lose everything we have."
Fear says "Every person we have known, every success and all of our pain -- our hopes and acclaim, losses and fears, all of that space and eons of time, they will all dissolve into their nothingness as soon as we open our Divine eyes. That's the way it is with dreams."
Fear continues, "We are not here because we are trapped. Quite the contrary: we are here because we know the dawn. We know life has no handle. There is nothing to grasp and the entire universe will slip away as soon as we open our eyes."
Thus, we don't seek enlightenment and find it elusive. Instead, we actively deny and evade enlightenment because we are afraid we know exactly what enlightenment is and we dare not fall into that abyss.
It is true that we make everything in our dreams. Every branch that blows in the wind does so because we draw and direct every motion. There are no trees inside our heads and there is no wind. There is only our selves and the stuff we make from ourselves. We know too that in the morning our memory of the night is wiped clean by the dawn. All that we saw in our sleep is lost as we step into the day.
Yet, hope tells us that fear is wrong. Hope explains enlightenment is not about awakening from the dream, but awaking to the dream. Enlightenment is the lucid dream that does not fade. Therein, we make the dream as beautiful as our courage will allow while showering creation with affection. In this journey to the Source we are never alone, even for an instant.
Hope says, "let the dawn come when it may; fear is unreal."